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Showing posts with label SYMBIAN HACKING METHODS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SYMBIAN HACKING METHODS. Show all posts

Flashing NOKIA C5 Sucessfully !!!! 100 % Working

Author: Tejash Patel // Category:
Here i describe  a process od Nokia C5 Flashing 

1. Hacked Files and Links

Hacked Firmware
Nokia C5

31.022 - Download Link

Nokia 5230

12.6.092 - Download Link
20.0.005 - Download Link
20.6.006 - Download Link
21.0.004 - Download Link

Nokia 5233, 5232, 5228

12.1.092 - Download Link
20.1.004 - Download Link

nokia 5235
12.6.092 - Download Link

Nokia 5530

30.0.009 - Download Link

Nokia 6730c

31.022 - Download Link

Nokia N86

20.115 - Download Link
21.006 - Download Link
30.009 - Download Link

30.009 - Download Link

Nokia N95 8GB

35.0.001 - Download Link

Nokia N97

22.0.110 - Download Link

N97 Mini

12.0.110 - Download Link
12.2.110 - Download Link

Nokia E55

34.001 - Download Link

Nokia E72

31.012 - Download Link

31.023 - Download Link

31.023 - Download Link

2. Introduction

This will be a combination of guides and a small guide too, if you will, to point you where to go. The process will be faster and more informative even for the layman or the superbnoob.

2.1 Download latest version of Phoenix Download Link
Install it. (of course!!)

2.2 Download Nokia firmware from BLUE-Nokia

or here the directlinks FOR NOKIA C5 (hope it helps)
C5-00 (RM-645) Major 031.022 v1 (SWAP)
C5-00 (RM-645) Major 031.022 v1 (SEAP)
C5-00 (RM-645) Major 031.022 v1 (MEA)
C5-00 (RM-645) Major 031.022 v1 (EURO)
C5-00 (RM-645) Major 031.022 v1 (CHINA)

and from my experience, Original Firmware got from NaviFirm or BTUsers will give some trouble if using phoenix.. so dont use em.
Install it ~..~"
eg; im from Malaysia, so i download C5-00 (RM-645) Major 031.022 v1 (SEAP) which "SEAP" stand for SouthEastAsia-Pacific.
notes: (you can simply delete em all if u wanted to after done flashing) it will be placed at,
Windows XP, Vista and 7 32 Bit - C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-XXX\ or C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nokia\DataPackage\Products\RM-XXX\
Windows XP, Vista and 7 64 bit - C:\Program Files (x86)\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-XXX\ or C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Nokia\DataPackage\Products\RM-XXX\
RM-XXX is the RM version of your phone. You can find it by typing this in your homescreen/dialler "*#0000#" without the quotes.

2.3 Reset your phone to default by press and hold GREEN (call key) + RED + CAMERA when powering up.Keep the keys pressed until you get the shaking hands. That should fully reset the device, with a lock code of 12345.

3. Working with Phoenix

3.1 Connect your phone with the USB cable. Leave it OFF. Remove your memory card and battery








3.9 ~~~NOW HOLD ON~~~
u need to replace the original .uda files with the hacked .uda files and deleting some other files.
Now get going

3.9.1 Replacing original ".uda" files with the hacked ".uda" files PROPERLY.
click "Options" at bottom on the firmware update window,
then u get this; (delete file as pointed in the screenshots and also "rm645_mc13_seap_2gb_3.0.fpsx" if any)

Now add the hacked ".uda" (point it to where u put your hacked .uda files),

Click OK


3.11 Wait for this the message to Press Power On Button.

Plugin your battery (not the simcard and mmc!!). THEN HOLD YOUR POWER ON/OFF Button (red key) UNTIL YOU HEARD A "DETECTED REMOVABLE MEDIA" SOUND FROM YOUR PC

3.12 Hit Refurbish - Wait for the flashing process to be finished. Your phone will boot up normally but like when it was bought newly.

You're done! Phone Flashed/Revived.

4. Copy Patches to X:\Patches - Download Link
- Where X is your memory card drive is. Usually it's E:\

5. Dance like no one is watching - Open Rom Patcher + in the Applications menu
- Turn on Patches as you wish. The autostart will not work. You have to manually turn on the patches every restart.
- If you'd like the autostart to work, it's quite simple. First, open up Rom Patcher from the applications menu then enable the installserver patch. Then install Rom Patcher + 2.3 (Download Link). The autostart option will now work. *needs confirmation
- Installserver - Installing unsigned applications,
- Open4All - Viewing and Editing of all the files in the file system.

Request Format

Would you like to request your phone to be hacked? It's easy, just follow the the guidelines here and I will get to you as soon as possible.

Phone Model -
RM Version -
Software Version -

Obtained through dialing "*#0000#" without the quotes in the dialer.

my C5 RM-645 Flash logs
Flashing started
Creating product data items list
Product data items list created
Backup not required
Flashing phone
Scanning image files...
Waiting for USB device...
1. Make sure USB cable, Battery and charger are removed from device.
2. Insert USB cable to device
3. Insert Battery to device
4. Insert Charger to device
--- Press phone's power button! ---
Loading secondary boot code: 14912 bytes
Secondary boot loaded
Loading update server code: 520994 bytes
Update server loaded
Partitioning complete
Erasing complete
Asic CMT: Start programming 138401 KB...
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 0%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 10%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 20%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 30%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 40%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 50%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 60%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 70%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 80%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 90%
Programming complete
ERROR: Programming error reported for asic CMT
-- Error Type        0x05
-- Error Specifier   0x08
-- Offending Addr    0x0AE40000
-- Expected content  0x00000779
-- Detected content  0x00000779
Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device...
Phone flashing completed. Waiting for phone to boot up
Bootup successful
Verifying communication to product (before flash finalizing) 
Communication verified
Product code changed
Started product mode change
Product mode change complete
Doing factorysets
Factorysets complete
Loading default data to phone
Loading default data to phone
Getting Data Package
Reading product state
Starting backup/restore sub-procedure: mode change post delay
mode change post delay
mode change post delay
Sub-procedure completed: Succeeded., result code: 0
Starting backup/restore sub-procedure: data item pre-delay
data item pre-delay
data item pre-delay
Sub-procedure completed: Succeeded., result code: 0
Starting to backup/restore data item: ProductProfile, version: 1.1
Data Item backup/restore completed: Succeeded., result code: 0
Starting backup/restore sub-procedure: data item post-delay
data item post-delay
data item post-delay
Sub-procedure completed: Succeeded., result code: 0
Backup/restore result: 0 out of 1 items were not backed up
Default data loading complete
Stopping all operations, returning phone to default mode
All operations completed
Product flashing succeeded.

Exclusive: Cook your own ROM using NokiaEditor !!

Author: Tejash Patel // Category:
Some pics:




Tips for editing ROFS2 and UDA files:

If you want to add RP+ to your rofs2 file copy only "patcher.ldd" and "patcherShadow.ldd" to sys/bin folder. After flashing install RP+ LiteVersion.

If you want to edit files that are in rofs1 image - copy them to rofs2 folder and edit they will be overwriten after flashing.
Example: if you want to edit file swipolicy.ini (that file is in rofs1) copy swipolicy.ini to rofs2 folder (system/data) and edit - Repack and flash.

Remember that rofs2 file have maximum size (about 33mb) so if you don't have space for your files,mods just delete other language files from rofs2 folder.

Tool tested with 5530, 5800 files!!! I think it will also work with N97 files and others, it will not work with E51 files!!! Not working for your Phone ?? write to me and ill try to add support for your phone


Certificate Error, Certificate Expired Etc - Read this

Author: Tejash Patel // Category:
Interpreting Signing Error Messages in S60 3rd Edition

Message: Certificate error. Contact the application supplier.

Hint: You may have tried installing unsigned application. Note that signing is mandatory S60 3rd Edition. You can use self-signed certificate or developer certificate from Symbian Signed to sign your application.

Message: Unable to install. Constrained by the certificate.
Hint: This message pops up when you attempt to install developer certificate in the unsupported device. The developer certificate from Symbian Signed can only be used in a limited number of devices. Remember that you have to send your IMEIs to Symbian Signed when requesting certificate. You cannot use the certificate in other devices that is not in your IMEIs list.

Message: Required application access not granted.

Hint: Check that your certificate can be used to sign all capabilities needed by your application. For example, if you use self-signed certificate, you can only sign basic set capabilities, i.e. NetworkServices, ReadUserData, WriteUserData, LocalServices and UserEnvironment. If your application requires one of the extended capabilities, for example SwEvent, you cannot sign it with self-signed certificate. In this case, apply for developer certificates from Symbian Signed.

Message: Unable to install a protected application from an untrusted supplier.

Hint: If you use self-signed certificate, make sure that your application uses unprotected UID, i.e. 0xA0000000 - 0xAFFFFFFF. If you use protected UID (0?20000000 - 0?2FFFFFFF) or legacy UID (0?10000000 - 0?1FFFFFFF), you will get this message.

Message: Unable to install.

Hint: This message may come up when your installation file (.sis/.sisx) copies files to other application?s private folder, i.e. \private\uid. Note that Symbian 9 introduces data caging concept, it means you don?t have access to other application?s private folder.

Message: Expired Certificate

Hint: Do this?
Set the phone date back by 1 year or 5-6 months...........

Message: Update error

Hint: Uninstall any previous version of the application, then switch on/off the phone and install again

some people dont know what to do so.........heres one for your help......thats it....

Omnia HD hacking

Author: Tejash Patel // Category:
1:after downloading attachment and extract that

2:now go and extract RomPatcherPlus0.6 and go to the Lite version folder and install RomPatcherPlus sisx

3:now copy patcher.ldd file to c:\sys\bin using MODO browser program it is necessary to run RomPatcher

4:now copy c2z , installserver , open4all to E:/Patches

5:now open ROMpatcherPlus from phone menu and apply that three patches (c2z , installserver , open4all)

now every thing done you can easily access your system folders

Download here ::

Newest firmwares are hackable!

Author: Tejash Patel // Category:
Some of latest Nokia's firmwares are designed to prevent user from hacking (opening platform security) their phone. The changes seemed to have successfully interfere with HelloOx operation, thus rendering our device unhackable.

I've just found out this new method from neighborhood forum and some folks have already confirmed this hack works on following devices:

Nokia N79 v30.011.051.1
Nokia 6220c v5.15
Nokia E75 v110.48.125
Nokia N97 v11.* (tnx to leetut & takt29)
Nokia E71 v300.21.012 (tnx to frastgr)
Nokia N78 v30.011 (tnx to andre128)
Nokia 5730XM v100.48.122 (tnx to Vampiro1306)
Nokia N85 v30.19
Nokia N86 v11.043 (tnx to deryl)
Nokia N97 V11.0.021.C01.01 (tnx to leogoto)
Nokia 5800XM V30.0.011 (tnx to leug78)
Nokia E66 v300.21.012 (tnx to oen)

While some others ARE reported unhackable by this method

Confirmed doesn't work with:
Nokia N96 v30 (Thanks to ugur35) (use this instead (tnx to navijic).
Nokia E51 v400.34.011 (tnx to Mr. Angel)
Nokia 5630XM v11.020 (tnx to n8gr)
Nokia E63 V30.0.01(tnx to timon120)
Samsung i8910 HD vXXIG2 (tnx to rolan8910Hd)

Several users have reported that they were unable to install any application after the hack applied. the solution is to disable SWIPOLICYPATH patch in ROMPatcher. (tnx to andre128)

On Nokia N97 v11., Rompatcher patches c2z and SwitchOFFRestart cannot be enabled (tnx to takt29)
Open4all patch should be turned off before playing N-Gage games. (tnx to Vampiro1306)
IMPORTANT: FP1 devices have different version of installserver.exe and swipolicy.ini, use this instead, don't use the files in (tnx to Wildsau)
ROMPatcher autostart doesn't work? use this version of ROMpatcher instead, but to have it installed you have to sign it with 20-capabilities certificate or hack your phone first.

The lists above are generated from member feedbacks, should you found any wrong informations, please reply to this thread or pm me.



What you'll need to provide yourself:

Certificate with 17 capabilities (like OPDA's one)
Signer to sign the sisx file
Decent 3rd party filemanager
Install your favourite file manager; X-plore & Y-Browser are recommended (skip this step if you already have it installed).
Sign & Install Mapdrives
Sign & Install ROMPatcher
Sign & Install Y_browser or X-plore
Run Mapdrives (Mapdrives will map drive A:\ to c:\sys\bin with rw access!)
Uninstall Mapdrives
Put files under "Copy_to_A" folder to A:\
Restart your device
Open ROMPatcher, apply open4all.rmp, ChangeSWIpolicyPath.rmp* & Installserver_FP2.rmp
HACKED (if you're lucky enough, sorry if you aren't



Guide Hack All FP2 phone(new firmware)

Author: Tejash Patel // Category: ,
Hack fp2 phone new firmware,just follow step by step.
Here is:
1.Sign and install mapdrive A and helloox in zip.
2.Open mapdrive then open x-plore,you'll see anew drive A.
3.Copy all file in "file to" to drive A.
4.Uninstall mapdrive and restart ur phone
5.Open helloox,let helloox hack ur phone
6.Go to roompatcher and apply the pacth.Done!

Tested on N85 v30.019


[The Complete Guide] to hack Symbian OS 9 mobile phones

Author: Tejash Patel // Category:

S60 Hacking: Nokia vs. Users - 1:2!

In an attempt to prevent one of the most creative solution in the hacking/modding scene, Nokia has introduced new firmware versions for most of their S60 powered phones.

With the arrival of the newest firmware, Nokia successfully close the latest ROM Patcher on all updated S60 Phones.

Disabling the TRK application is actually quite smart move; especially consider that based on FCA’s info that is the only weaknesses over Symbian 3rd Edition because the core security system has not been broken. As a reaction, users have started to look for the new solutions to keep the ability for unlimited access even aft... .. .

Read more:

How To HACK for New Firmware - full story

Sincerely yours,
KingRichard ft. FCA ft. Apoc'


Right now there are several tutorials on this forum for permissions system hacking for different platforms and with different version of hacks..
So i have tried to make one complete daddy tutorial for all platforms and with the latest hack!!

[ADD] Tutorial on howto install unsigned sis files without SymbianSighned (4th Apr 2008)
[EDIT] Added corresponding AppTRK application for s60v3.0 (n73, n80 etc.) devices (4th Apr 2008)
[EDIT] AppTRK v2.7 link was added for s60v3.0 (n73, n80 etc.) devices (5th Apr 2008)
[EDIT] step 1 detailed (Suggested by Z_zz81) (5th Apr 2008)
[ADD] tip to use self-sign option (10th april 2008)
[ADD] Link to Nokia connectivity cable driver 6.85 (29th Apr 2008)
[ADD] Tip to enable system files in X-plore (17th May 2008)
[ADD] New hack for S60v3 users (15th Jun 2008)
[ADD] New method for installing unsigned apps (15th Jun 2008)

[New]*15 Jun 2008
ONLY for S60v3(Nokia) users(non UIQ based phones)
1. Install X-Plore, Run X-plore, press 0 and check first 4 boxes.Do NOT exit the application
2. Install HelloCarbide.sisx application on ur phone and run the application, now keep clicking yes(right soft key) until the application closes ,your phone is hacked!!! (by FCA00000)
3. Verify the hack by switching to X-plore and check if you can see the contents of C:/sys/ .
4. Application to turn security on and off (from phone)
for Nokia (n95 ,n82 ,n73 ,n80 etc.) .Now skip to step no.11

You will need certain softwares and a PC:

Nokia phones -> Cable drivers of nokia pc suite version 6.85 need to be installed, not 6.86
SE phones(P1i etc) -> use PC suite 1.4.4 or older
1. Download and Install ActivePython on your PC
2. Download and Install PySerial
3. The magic python script and TRK application
a.) for Nokia (n95 ,n82 ,etc.) + AppTRK / (for n73, n80 etc) + AppTRK (Thanks to FCA00000)
b.) for UIQ based (P1i , w960i etc.) (Thanks to swmail)
4. Application to turn security on and off (from phone)
a.) for Nokia (n95 ,n82 ,n73 ,n80 etc.) (Thanks to FCA00000)
b.) for UIQ based (P1i , w960i etc.) (Thanks to swmail)

The Real Part:

1. Install the AppTRK application on your phone's memory and start it, then in options>settings, select connection as USB.
2. Connect your phone to your PC via USB in PC Suite mode and then AppTRK will report connected on your phone
3. Go to Control Panel>System>Hardware>Device Manager>Ports
OR in Windows Vista: Control Panel>System>Device Manager>Ports.
Note the COM Port your phone is using
4. Open the python script in notepad (the one downloaded in step 3 with .py extension)
5. Search "serial.serial" without quotes and then replace the numerical value in bracket with the value of your COM Port minus 1 i.e. if your port was 22 then replace it with 21.
6. Save the file
7. Run the script by simply double clicking it
8. Now if you see something like !!!!!!candidate!!!!!!! in the output window, then.....
congratulations now your phone is really yours!!
9. Now you can exit the AppTRK application.
10. Verify the hack with X-Plore, Run X-plore, press 0 and check first 4 boxes, see if you can explore c:/sys/
11. Now if you will reboot the phone you will have to reactivate the hack with above procedure OR to do it without PC do the following
12.a.) For Nokia :
I. copy CProfDriver_SISX.ldd from RAR downloaded in step 4a into C:\sys\bin
II. install CapsOn.sisx
III. install CapsOff.sisx
b.) For UIQ based
I. Copy patched trkdriver.ldd from rar downloaded in step 4b to c:\sys\bin\
II. Install CapsSwitch on your phone
13. Now you can switch security on and off without pc through these applications
CapsOff = Security OFF and do whatever you want to do with your phone
CapsOn = Restrictions ON

After this hack you'll be able to install unsigned applications without SymbianSigned

Note: This tutorial is same for all symbian OS 9 phones(n95,n82,n73,n8,P1i,w960i etc.) until'n'unless mentioned
So here's the HOWTO for installing unsigned applications on your Symbian phone after you have hacked it(CapsOFF) :-

[*Updated 15th Jun 2008] New method for installing unsigned apps:(BIG thanks to swmail)
1. Download the following file as per the OS of your phone:
a) For Symbian OS 9.1 based phones (like P1i etc)
b) For Symbian OS 9.2 based phones
2. copy the installserver.exe file from the archive to c:\sys\bin\ on your hacked mobile phone(capsOFF)
3. Now you can install any application wheather it is signed, unsigned, protected uid or has a unprotected uid!!!


1. Download this rar file containing the certificate, the key and the authentication file for your phone. (Thanks to leftup of symbian freak)
2. Copy the file "00000001" to "C:\resource\swicertstore\dat\" on your phone and mark the file read-only from X-Plore or other similar file explorer. If the given directories do not exist , create them
3. So now your own authentication system is installed on your phone. Now you need to sign your sis files with the given certificate and key in the rar file.
4. For signing sis files (pc based method)(works for all Symbian OS 9 phones)
I) Download and install SignSis GUI on your PC
II) Select the given certificate and key(password is blank) given in 'the rar file you downloaded'
III) Select the file you need to sign and sign it and transfer it to your phone, install normally..

IV) Now you have the application installed with all its capabilities
4. Mobile based method(no need for a pc), works only for Nokia phones
I) Download and install MobileSigner on your phone
II) Open MobileSigner and select and sign the 'unsigned sis file' and MobileSigner will generate a signed sisx file in the same directory as the source file.
*if you have problem signing try "self-sign" option*
III) Install the generated sisx file and application will be having all its capabilities.

hacking S60 N-series / E-series Nokia devices

Author: Tejash Patel // Category:
Right now there are several tutorials on this forum for permissions system hacking for different platforms and with different version of hacks..
So i have tried to make one complete daddy tutorial for all platforms and with the latest hack!!

[ADD] Tutorial on howto install unsigned sis files without SymbianSighned (4th Apr 2008)
[EDIT] Added corresponding AppTRK application for s60v3.0 (n73, n80 etc.) devices (4th Apr 2008)
[EDIT] AppTRK v2.7 link was added for s60v3.0 (n73, n80 etc.) devices (5th Apr 2008)
[EDIT] step 1 detailed (Suggested by Z_zz81) (5th Apr 2008)
[ADD] tip to use self-sign option (10th april 2008)
[ADD] Link to Nokia connectivity cable driver 6.85 (29th Apr 2008)

You will need certain softwares and a PC:

Nokia phones -> Cable drivers of nokia pc suite version 6.85 need to be installed, nor 6.86 nor 6.84
1. Download and Install ActivePython on your PC
2. Download and Install PySerial
3. The magic python script and TRK application
a.) for Nokia (n95 ,n82 ,etc.) + AppTRK / (for n73, n80 etc) + AppTRK (Thanks to FCA00000)
b.) for UIQ based (P1i , w960i etc.) (Thanks to swmail)
4. Application to turn security on and off (from phone)
a.) for Nokia (n95 ,n82 ,n73 ,n80 etc.) (Thanks to FCA00000)
b.) for UIQ based (P1i , w960i etc.) (Thanks to swmail)

The Real Part:

1. Install the AppTRK application on your phone's memory and start it, then in options>settings, select connection as USB.
2. Connect your phone to your PC via USB in PC Suite mode and then AppTRK will report connected on your phone
3. Go to Control Panel>System>Hardware>Device Manager>Ports
OR in Windows Vista: Control Panel>System>Device Manager>Ports.
Note the COM Port your phone is using
4. Open the python script in notepad (the one downloaded in step 3 with .py extension)
5. Search "serial.serial" without quotes and then replace the numerical value in bracket with the value of your COM Port minus 1 i.e. if your port was 22 then replace it with 21.
6. Save the file
7. Run the script by simply double clicking it
8. Now if you see something like !!!!!!candidate!!!!!!! in the output window, then.....
congratulations now your phone is really yours!!
9. Now you can exit the AppTRK application.
10. Verify the hack with X-Plore, see if you can explore c:/sys/
11. Now if you will reboot the phone you will have to reactivate the hack with above procedure OR to do it without PC do the following(Note: for the first time PC hack is needed)
12.a.) For Nokia :
I. copy CProfDriver_SISX.ldd from RAR downloaded in step 4a into C:\sys\bin
II. install CapsOn.sisx
III. install CapsOff.sisx
b.) For UIQ based
I. Copy patched trkdriver.ldd from rar downloaded in step 4b to c:\sys\bin\
II. Install CapsSwitch on your phone
13. Now you can switch security on and off without pc through these applications
CapsOff = Security OFF and do whatever you want to do with your phone
CapsOn = Restrictions ON

After this hack you'll be able to install unsigned applications without SymbianSigned

Note: This tutorial is same for all symbian OS 9 phones(n95,n82,n73,n8,P1i,w960i etc.) until'n'unless mentioned
So here's the HOWTO for installing unsigned applications on your Symbian phone after you have hacked it(CapsOFF) :-

1. Download this rar file containing the certificate, the key and the authentication file for your phone. (Thanks to leftup of symbian freak)
2. Copy the file "00000001" to "C:\resource\swicertstore\dat\" on your phone and mark the file read-only from X-Plore or other similar file explorer. If the given directories do not exist , create them
3. So now your own authentication system is installed on your phone. Now you need to sign your sis files with the given certificate and key in the rar file.
4. For signing sis files (pc based method)(works for all Symbian OS 9 phones)
I) Download and install SignSis GUI on your PC
II) Select the given certificate and key(password is blank) given in 'the rar file you downloaded'
III) Select the file you need to sign and sign it and transfer it to your phone, install normally..

IV) Now you have the application installed with all its capabilities
4. Mobile based method(no need for a pc), works only for Nokia phones
I) Download and install MobileSigner on your phone
II) Open MobileSigner and select and sign the 'unsigned sis file' and MobileSigner will generate a signed sisx file in the same directory as the source file.
*if you have problem signing try "self-sign" option*
III) Install the generated sisx file and application will be having all its capabilities.