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Showing posts with label Windows Mobile and Other OS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Windows Mobile and Other OS. Show all posts

Exclusive: Nexus One full specs detailed

Author: Tejash Patel // Category:
We know you're itching to get your hands on a Nexus One -- Google's managed to build buzz here the way only a couple companies in the world know how. Unfortunately, it sounds like you're going to need to cross your fingers (or pull out that eBay emergency stash) to get one out of the gate, because we've got some intel here suggesting that it'll be available only by "invitation" at first. Our tipster doesn't have information on how those invites are going to be determined, other than the fact that it's Google doing the inviting -- if we had to guess, current registered developers are a strong possibility -- but the good news, we suppose, is that T-Mobile will apparently sell the phone directly at some to-be-determined point in the future. Oh, but that's not all -- we've got specs, too. Lots of them. Here are the highlights, but follow the break for the whole shebang:
  • Android 2.1
  • 11.5mm thick
  • 512MB RAM, 512MB ROM, 4GB microSD in-box expandable to 32GB
  • 5 megapixel camera with mechanical AF and LED flash
  • HSPA 900 / 1700 / 2100, 7.2Mbps down and 2Mbps up -- in other words, yes to T-Mobile 3G and no to AT&T 3G, though you'll still be fine on EDGE
  • 3.7-inch WVGA AMOLED display

Google Projects for Android

Author: Tejash Patel // Category:
Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications. The Android SDK provides the tools and APIs necessary to begin developing applications that run on Android-powered devices.

This site provides information about Google projects based on the Android platform, such as external libraries that extend the Android platform, Android applications, hosted services and APIs, the Android Developer Contest, and more. Everything on this site is provided by Google for the benefit of Android developers.

If you are looking for general information about Android, please visit the site. If you are interested in developing applications for Android devices, please visit the Android Developers site at

unbricking HTC ROM

Author: Tejash Patel // Category:
A user of this forum, 911sniper, provided us with an HTC test-only ROM:

Alternate download link:

Alternate download link:

IMPORTANT: Read the steps below before flashing!!!!


This is a ROM that can potentially overwrite and/or unbrick a device with an original (non-patched) SPL. It has a wildcard for Model ID (ELF0*****) and CID (11111111).

I don't have a bricked Elf but I tested it with an original CID-locked SPL and it overwrote it and flashed a new generic HTC ROM with the following:

* IPL 2.11.1002
* SPL 2.11.1000 MFG
* ROM version: 2.11.0. WWE
* ROM date: 08/14/07
* Radio: 02.98.90
* CE OS 5.2.1620 (Build 18125.0.4.2)

Here are the steps to make it work:

1. Download this ROM from the link above
2. Two ways to flash:
* Rename the file to ELF0IMG.nbh if you want to flash from SD card (you must format the card to FAT32 first)
* Put the ROM in a RUU folder that contains the RomUpdateUtility.exe. You must remove any other .NBH files in that folder first.
3. Start your bricked Elf in bootloader mode (hold down camera button and reset). If you are using the SD card, it should flash right away.
4. NOTE: If the device flashed successfully but is now stuck at the new boot screen, you are still ok. Now you can flash ANY shipped ROM at the bootloader (if you have an Elfin, flash only an Elfin shipped ROM) and your device will be running again. If you can't flash a shipped ROM after successfully flashing the Unbricker ROM, then make a Gold Card and follow the steps in that thread.
5. NOTE: If the Unbricker ROM doesn't work then make a Gold Card and use it again on that card.

One thing I noticed is that you cannot use the white screen method (elf-uspl.exe) after you flash this ROM. If you try that, then the message "Not in use" pops up under the penguin. However, you can flash ANY shipped ROM from bootloader after this unbricker ROM has been flashed. From there, you can do white screen method and then flash the Hard-SPL/USPL/cooked ROM.

Unbricking your windows mobile

Author: Tejash Patel // Category:
I don't take the responsibility for any damage caused by the information included.
This is not my intention to reveal any secrets of HTC Company. All this information was known earlier. I've just collected it in one place and used it for repairing my broken HTC device.
Although it was successfully tested on Herald from Dopod, it should work on any Herald and as far as I know this is the only hope, especially for Heralds with low SPL number, broken by flashing with HardSPL
If you find this tutorial useful, do it on your risk.

I've spent a lot of time in searching of a solution for my bricked Dopod C858. It has been bricked after Hard-SPL by Olipro. When this Hard-SPL was first introduced, there wasn't any warnings about minimum SPL and GSM versions requirements. That's why there is a lot of people with their Heralds stuck in the bootloader mode without a possibility of successful flashing in any way.
One of the symptoms was Invalid Update Tool 300 Error when I was trying to flash even with the official RUU. The other symptom was "GetDeviceCID: Error - InitDecoder" when getdevinfo command was typed at MTTY console.
Finally I was able to recover from this state. I successfully created the goldcard - a micro SD card with the special header, which gives us a temporary SuperCID status (security level 0). In this way we are able to flash the new ROM via SD card, instead of using the official RUU (ROM Update Utility). If it is not enough to flash successfully, we can use a wonderful service tool included in Herald's diagnostic image (heradiag.nbh).

All the credits goes to "itsme" and his hard work. It wouldn't be possible without his knowledge, his help and his great software. Willem agreed to make this tutorial and share this knowledge on the forum.
Thank you Willem!

I would also like to thank "pof" for his effort and although he couldn't find a solution, he tried to help me, so thank you Pau!

The other person I would like to thank is "canonyang_China". I know he is accused of stealing Olipro's ideas of Hard-SPL. I only want to thank him for posting heradiag.nbh file. This is the great tool which together with the goldcard can do a lot.

I would also like to mention one person. It's "jockyw". He has almost identical solution but he has found it by himself. If you find this tutorial too hard to deal with I recommend to contact "jockyw" and he will help you for a small paypal donation.

************************************************** *********
Requirements (not tested on other configurations):
1) Windows XP with SP3
2) ActiveSync 4.5
3) ActivePerl
4) Crypt-DES and XdaDevelopers-NbfUtils PERL packages
5) PERL program
6) itsutils tools
7) working mobile device with any Windows mobile OS (2003, 5.0, 6.0)
8) any .nbh ROM file from the official Herald's RUU
9) heradiag.nbh file
10) micro SD card (tested on 512MB and 1GB)

Ad.2) download your language verion of ActiveSync and install it:

Ad.3) download and install MSI installer of ActivePerl from

Ad.4) run Perl Package Manager from Windows Start Menu

change PPM Preferences (run Preferences from the Perl Package Manager menu and switch to the repository tab):
- Add repositories:
Name: itsme
- Add repository:
Name: theoryx

After database synchronization install those packages (at the main window of Perl Package manager find those packages, mark them for install (the icon with green plus, next to the search bar) and run marked action(green arrow icon)):

If you can't find those packages on your list, please make sure you have selected "All packages" from "View" menu in Perl Package Manager main window.

Ad.5) download from

Save it to "C:\itsutilsbin"

Ad.6) download itsutilsbin package from Unpack it to "C:\itsutilsbin"

Ad.7) Find a working Windows mobile device and use it to format your micro SD card as FAT32. It's important to do this on working mobile device with any Windows mobile OS (2003, 5.0, 6.0) because PC USB card readers causing troubles with making a goldcard because of a different MBR interpretation.

- Activesync your working Windows mobile device with SD card inside

- On your PC enter windows command mode (Start->Run... cmd)

- Choose your itsutilsbin directory (cd C:\itsutilsbin),

- Run this command (l means a letter 'el' - not a digit 'one'):
psdread -l

If you have problems with running psdread -l you probably have problems with the security configuration of your mobile device. There are many options to change it. In my case I was using Device Security Manager PowerToy for Windows Mobile 5.0

It is recommended to save your security configuration, then change it to the Security Off level and after the whole goldcard preparation process, load saved configuration preset if you don't want to leave your Windows mobile device Security Off. You should have your mobile device ActiveSync with your PC when you are using this tool.

- If everything went OK, look at the result at the cmd window after psdread -l and find something like that:
remote disk 1 has 1984000 sectors of 512 bytes - 968.75Mbyte
SerialNr: 75 63 00 49 8a f2 00 80 47 31 30 55 53 44 53 03

- in the next step you will have to replace the first byte ( in this case '75' ) with '00' and write this ID without spaces between numbers - this will be your modified cardid
In this example your modified cardid will be 006300498af200804731305553445303
(Thank you "hookcard" for reporting troubles in this step)

Run this command, where is your modified cardid:
perl -p cardid= -p keys=tornado -p seclevel=0 -d goldcard.img

- Your goldcard image will be saved in your current directory (C:\itsutilsbin)

- If you have error message connected with msvcr71.dll file, please download this file or try to find it somewhere on your system partition and then copy it to the directory containing (C:\itsutilsbin)
Then repeat the previous step with running

If everything went OK, run this command, where is a number under which you have your SD card during psdread -l command, for example, "remote disk 1 has 1984000 sectors of 512 bytes - 968.75Mbyte" means that your is 1:
psdwrite - goldcard.img 0 0x120

Now you have a card which gives you SuperCID - you can test it with MTTY and see that g_cKeyCardSecurityLevel = 0

Ad.8) Remember to have more than a half of the battery capacity available before you start this step!
- download any official Herald's RUU and extract it to the directory, where you should find RUU_signed.nbh ROM file. (It was tested with Dopod's ROM). Copy this .nbh file to your goldcard changing its name to heraimg.nbh

- Enter the bootloader mode. When you will see on your Herald's screen the question: "Update SD image?" you will have 10 seconds to press Volume Down button and this way to start flashing
Unfortunatelly, if something will go wrong and i.e. you will see SD update failed you will have to use heradiag.nbh file to enter special menu during the start of the bootloader mode. If you have problems with flashing, please read the step below:

Ad.9) download and unpack file from this thread:

Remember to have more than a half of the battery capacity available before you start!
- Copy heradiag.nbh on your goldcard together with any official .nbh ROM from ROM Update Utility from the previous step.
- boot your Herald in bootloader mode and you will see the diagnostic menu where you will have Reflash Image option. Choose Reflash Image and after the flashing process (about 5 minutes) please softreset your device.

That's all! You should see your Herald properly booting Windows OS.

Good luck!